Timefire is an intriguing story that follows Gilbert Black as he travels through some of Australia’s worst bush fires. Gil and his dad Nathan, live in rural Victoria and there is a bushfire coming their way. For Gil, these fires hold part of his family history. His mother disappeared during the Black Saturday fires in 2009 when he was a baby. She had been accused of starting the fires just like Gil is now.
Gil meets a tall stranger who persuades him to walk into a fire. Gil has always been drawn to fires and can predict when they are coming. Gil’s main objective is to find out what happened to his mum who he misses and who he believes can answer his questions about his family and its affinity to fire.
As he travels back in time to each fiery moment he meets ancestors who will, in the future, travel just like him. They all have a sacred duty to perform. Is it Gil’s time to sacrifice himself to the fire or can he possibly reverse this endless cycle?
Nean McKenzie has given Middle Grade readers a great glimpse at pockets of Australian history which still impact upon us. Her characters come alive on the pages as harbingers of climate change and the deadly choices the world is making today.
For Ages: 9 - 13years
Number of Pages: 196
Published: July 2023 Midnight Sun Publishing
Themes: Climate change, family, responsibility.
Purchase here: https://sunbookshop.com/books/timefire