Katrina Nannestad’s second novel set in World War II follows 6-year-old Sasha, a boy orphaned by the cruelty of the conflict. Her 2020 novel, We Are Wolves, shows the German perspective, this time we see the war through the eyes of another child, this time Russian.
The books opens with Sasha in a Berlin hospital shortly after the end of the war. He has been silent and wary since he woke, only taking time to steal objects that for some reason, he knows he desperately needs. As he is encouraged by the hospital staff and his fellow patients, Sasha recalls his past with the help of the stolen objects.
This beautifully crafted book sweeps between Sasha’s present and his past. Each story he tells paints a picture of what he has endured. Young Sasha’s personality shines throughout the tale. His kindness, love and optimistic outlook earn him many friends and protectors. As he travels across Russia’s vast countryside with the Red Army and its group of extremely loveable characters, he encounters hardships, skirmishes and moments of pure joy.
Katrina Nannestad’s novel again shows the reader that the world is multifaceted and that sometimes seeing it through the perspective of the young, can make it a better place. It’s not only a place that is torn apart by hatred and greed and contains only fear and tragedy, it can be a place where the flowers that grow on the wasteland are sometimes the best thing in the world. Based on the real story of a young boy called Sergey Aleshkov, Nannestad brings to life another side of war. Themes of family, loyalty belonging and the power of love run seamlessly through this fabulous novel. Any reader, young or old, will be enthralled by this tale of bravery and love.
For Ages: 10 - 14 years
Number of Pages: 320 Hardback
Published: October 2021
Themes: Family, love, fear and belonging.
Rating: 4.5/5